Monday, July 7, 2008

Family reunion numero uno.

Well this weekend was my family's reuinion at our cabin. It was kind of our first official pre-planned reunion. We've all gone to the cabin together but this was the first where the date was chosen far in advance and each person had a meal they were in charge of. Here is an overview

Brett and I left right after work... right during traffic. It took an hour to drive from about 30 miles. We stoppen in Fort Hall on our way up. I had given Brett a firework allowance and he didn't even spend it all. I was very impressed. I this was only possible because he still had quite a few fireworks left over. We then stopped briefly at his parents house and then drove to our cabin. We got there at 12:30 and didn't get to bed until about 1:30.

I was awake bright and early, around 5:00. Brett was awake too. He was very excited to ride horses and light of fireworks. So we got up and walked the dogs (and eaten by mosquitos) and then read till everyone else was awake. Our activity for the day was a trail ride through Herriman park. Not with our own horses though we rented. My horse was a wild mustang named Lemhi. He was fairly well behaved. Near the end my horse got spooked and ran through a clump of trees with me on its back still. That scared me a bit but I clearly survived. After three hours on a horse we were all so very very sore and tired. I went for a quit swim and then took a short nap. For dinner kim made delicious pizza. That night was our firework show. I had so much fun lighting off the fireworks with Brett. We lit them off our boat dock. My brother Mark rudely stole the show though.... Normally there is a plank of wood running from the shore to the boat dock. Well since memorial day it had disappeared. So Brett and I wore our swim suits and just waded to the dock. Near the end of the fireworks we convinced my two brothers to come down. Robert had shorts on so he just pulled them up and crossed. Mark however was in pants. I told him to just ride the innertube across the short distance. The tube is covered in fabric so it should have been easy. I did it a bunch when cleaning up. So mark put the tube in the water and jumped on. The major error was the tube his side that is bigger. Well Mark jumped head toward the smaller side. This cause the tube to begin to tip and Mark's head to enter the water and then his body to do somewhat of a sommersault and land in the water. He was completely soaked excpet for a small areas of his back pocket. I really was the lucky on in this event because I was sitting right there and could see all of it. Everyone watching the show from the cabin deck didn't see much but did get to hear it. But everyone did love the fireworks. My dad asked Brett "If we all chip in will you do it again for New Years?"

Sarah and her horse

Me and my cowboy husband.

Almost the whole family plus Mark's delightful girlfriend

Me and my horse Lemhi. Brett's horse is behind me. Everyone at the end with very sore bums.
SaturdayBrett and I cooked breakfast on Saturday. Then we all headed into Yellowstone Park. We went to the Grand Canyon and Norris Geyser basin. It was pretty crowded but still fun. That night was our meal which mom requested to be dutchoven. We made Brett's dad's recipe for dutch oven chicken and potatoes and I made pineapple upside down cake. Everything was so good. If my family didn't like Brett before (they've always loved brett) they sure like him now for his fireworks and cooking. That night we went shooting for a bit and then did a mini firework show for my newphew which he loved. Everyone started a movie while Brett and I were cleaning up. It was 8 Below. I came in near the end of the movie right when (sorry if you haven't seen it) the first dog died. I cried so hard. Not just a few tears but like almost sobbing. My sister in sister-in-law were so surprise and a bit worried I think. I don't know why i cried so hard. I just had it when animals die in movies.
Yellowstone Canyon

Sunday morning I woke up sick so I opted to stay home from church. When everyone got home we had a family picture (I looked so good right out of bed) and then mom made chicken noodle soup. Then Brett and I packed up and went home. Everyone else stayed longer since they didn't have to drive all the way to Utah.
All in all it was a pretty darn fun reunion.


Kimberly said...

Well I couldn't get them all to enlarge but the one of everyone in Yellowstone did and I love Mark's eye's. I'm glad you had fun, we loved seeing you and having a weekend where the only purpose is to enjoy being together.

Kimberly said...

Can you e-mail me the one of all of us before the ride?