Thursday, June 12, 2008


So there is one person out there in the world that I would like to tell:

"I know my phone number is a great phone number...
but it's mine so leave it alone!!"
Now so you all don't think I'm loosing my mind due to all the radiation i work around i'll explain. Being the paranoid mother i will probably be someday but not having any kids that worry turns to my husband. I just have a fear he'll fall off the roof at work and hurt himself and no one will have the mind to call and tell me! So when he never called this afternoon i texted him when there was still no reply i tried calling. The kind verizon wireless prerecorded lady told me my call could not be completed. So i hung up and tried again. I don't have the greatest reception at work so i tried again. This time my call was transferred to "account investigations". Confused i hung up and tried calling a different phone number, again i was transferred to account investigations. This time i waited to talk to an operator. The nice lady kindly informed me that yes there is a reason this is happening to me but she can't release any account information to me because my name is not on the account. Luckily i have a desk phone. So i call the most reliable 'it's broken please fix it for me' person around. my dad (you'd think i'd give in a break since it's almost fathers day but i don't) So he calls for me and adds my name to the account. So i call the "account investigations" division again (it sound like the some department in the ministry of magic to me [harry potter reference for those of you who haven't read it]) the kind lady again tries to tell me my name isn't on the account but i disagree and eventually she does see i've just been added (i resisted the temptation to just lie and give them my mom's name). So finally i am told that my phone number has been used to place calls to the dominican republic. These calls have an 809 beginning. Since i'm living in utah i thought maybe i messed up the 801 area code (hard to do since the 1 and 9 are about as far apart as you can get but still a possibility). But alas no. someone had stolen my numbers. Turns out there were quite a few calls made and none of them by me. Because of these calls from my phone number they disconnected my phone number. (I want to know why these calls to the DR cause my phone to be disconnected??? are they not a llowed or is it just because i don't have international calls on my phone??) So my choices to resolve my problem were
1) change a code in my phone
2) change my phone number
3) get a new phone (includes going into a store)
Of course the first option sounds easiest and the second option is a last resort (i'm quite attached to my phone number of about 4 years now) and the third just a hassle (i recently had a less than enjoyable experience actually going into a verizon wireless store) So we try the first one. I had take the battery out and call combinations of numbers and *'s and #'s. I saw things i never knew existed about phones. all of it rather annoying since my phone (a trio) seems to be a small computer and takes about the same amount of time to load. So she reconnects my phone and my calls go through. Now she has to check to see if the updates worked. Let me tell you if you think hold music (not even actually music just some lady talking about verizon features) is annoying it's twice as annoying on two phones at once. Well the hold music ended only to find out that........... suspense....... the updates didn't work and i have to go into the store and get a new phone. So i'm prepared to put my pain in someone else's butt pants on the go into the store and demand a new phone at no cost to me since really this isn't my fault at all. We'll see how it goes!!!


Mattsmom said...

AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG! PAIN! I am SO sorry! I too HATE HATE HATE going into phone stores. The people are NEVER helpful or nice to me...(hence my phone screen is cracked...I do have insurance on it...but I would rather live with a cracked phone than go into a store to have it replaced or fixed)! I hope this all works out well in the end!

PS. WELCOME o the world of is a FUN place to be! YAY!