Sunday, November 9, 2008

Families are so demanding!

So I keep hearing I want details I want details and so I give you details and you say I already had those details give me new details. Sheesh. There is no pleasing you all. No, I'm just kidding. I know alot of you have been wondering what happened post surgery and I'm sorry part two of the lost testy saga has taken so long. But in all reality there isn't much more, I mean I could give the all the details of the movies we watched while Brett was recovering...

So like I said last time Brett felt so good right after the surgery. While we were in the recovery room someone else was brought in and guess who it turned out to be... remember the old lady who wanted to turn the TV channel while the baseball game was on... yeah it was whoever she was waiting for. I laughed inside when she gave Brett's dad a look as she walked past. Once they had recorded sufficient vitals Brett was released to go home. It's good Brett's parents were there to drive Brett home because he was feeling so great I would have made him walk. Just kidding just kidding. But, I don't remember if I mentioned before, we live right across the street from the hospital. We walked to the surgery...

So once we had gotten home we all just crashed on the couch and flipped on the first movie of the recovery period, the last half of Rio Bravo (Brett had already watched the first half). I went to the store and picked up treats, his prescription, and movies. Once I got back the movie was about over and Brett's still nausous parents about ready to head home.

As I've already written Brett's parents left and within minutes were knocking at our door again because they had a flat tire. And of course all the tire places were already closed. Once his parents got everything settled and headed home Brett and I watched Iron Man. *MOVIE REVIEW* Meh, it was an okay movie.

The next few days were filled with movies, harry potter and sleeping. *MOVIES REVIEWS* 21-about college students count cards in vegas. I hated the movie and couldn't wait for it to end. But they just found it absolutely necessary to include scenes set in clubs with scantily clad women that were crude and unnecessary. Baby Mama- Woman hires a surrogate mother. Hilarious. Brett and I both loved the movie. We also watched Armageddon which is always a good movie and always makes me cry as well as 8 seconds. I think we watched a few more movies but I can't remember.

As far as how Brett was feeling he was pretty sore the second day and was only comfortable if he was completely horizontal. Each day he got better and better and by Wednesday was itching to get out of the apartment. The greatest aggravation was the cut on the tip of his tongue where he had bit it. It got pretty swollen and hurt his pretty bad. It was made even worse by the fact that his mom had brought down cookies and he couldn't eat them because when they got stuck in his teeth it really hurt his tongue to try to get them out.

So like I said.. the week was very uneventful. The following Monday it was back to the daily grind of school. Thursday was the following up with the urologist where we got back the pathology report.... that however will have to wait because I'm very sleepy.... and I still have to spell check and maybe try to proof read it.... nah forget the proof reading...


Caroline said...

I am glad you two liked Baby Mama - I thought you would. Tina Fey is so funny!! Too bad we missed you guys this weekend. Oh well, such is the life of a mother of 6.

Mattsmom said...

Eh, I never proof read. Just a generic spell check. That is why my blog has SO many errors!

I am so glad that Brett's recovery was relatively smooth. (Although I do wonder if he has heard of toothpicks?) Poor guy. I am glad that it was his tongue that hurt the most after his surgery.

I felt the same about most of those movies. My SIL Shay LOVED "Iron Man" so I was all hyped up for it. Sadly let down. "Baby Mama" was funny. You just reminded me that I still need to return it to my cousin. OOPS.

What a blessing that you guys happened to have a break from school that week! I know Brett doesn't think so...but catching up would have been even worse!