Friday, August 22, 2008


So I had my last day of work Wednesday and I don't start school till Monday. It has been wonderful to sleep in the last two days. This morning I slept in till 9:30!!! Waking up this morning was not so wonderful though.

First off let me say Brett woke me up, not on purpose, at 5:30 this morning. (If I was still working I'd have been leaving for work at this time!! Disgusting I know.) He was trying to figure out what day it was, hoping it was Saturday. No suck luck. He got up and left for work. Immediately after he got up I spread out to take up every inch of bed. (When I finally woke up at 9:30 I was perpendicular to a normal sleeping position.) Well while I was sleeping I dreamed a dream, nay, I dreamed a nightmare... sort of. Well my dream started out fine. We were at a county fair of a small southern Utah county. The area was made up mostly of old farmers so Brett enjoyed playing farmer with them. This part of the dream was fun and enjoyable.

Then my dream morphed. Next thing I remember I was in a gift shop. Now we were taking a bus tour of rural Utah. I was accompanied by a man but this man was not my husband. It was a guy I know and don't particularly enjoy. Let's call him George. Well it appears that I was dating George and he was on this bus tour with me. (Most of the other bus tour people with little old ladies with white pouf hair.) Well in the gift shop I was looking to buy a new ring. All of my rings (in real life) have some story behind them, where I bought them, who gave them to me... In my dream though all my dreams corresponding with a relationship (this caused me to remember various old boyfriends in my dream). Evidently in my dream I was dating George and I was buying a new ring to represent my relationship with him. Well, while I was looking at rings I overheard him talking to the sales lady. Evidently he was going to propose and was thinking that whatever ring I bought myself would count as an engagement ring. In my dream I remember thinking, First off I will never marry George and second, even if I would marry him, like I'll accept my own ring as an engagement ring! Well I ended up finding a ring, it was huge and clunky and way pretty.

Then I woke up. When I woke up I knew I was married but had no clue who I was married to. I was picturing my actual wedding ring but couldn't remember who gave it to me. I thought through all my previous boyfriend that I had remember in my dream and thought oh please say I'm not married to George!!!!! So I stopped and thought, okay who woke me up this morning??? Oh yeah Brett! Oh good I'm married to Brett.

Crazy dream eh? I have 'em a lot!

Thank my lucky stars he is my husband, and an amazing one at that!


Mattsmom said...

You guys have the BEST wedding photos! I am WAY jealous! That is the one this I wish we had saved for and payed an awesome photographer for.
I have insane dreams too. Before Craig and I were married I use to dream that I was forced to marry someone else too. What a scary thought!