Thursday, June 4, 2009


Its kind of weird but sometimes when I'm doing boring things I put blog commentary to my boring activity. Like tonight, while weeding the strawberry patch, I mentally created a very long blog post... It included dark clouds and a giant birds and poor strawberry plants that accidentally got pulled up. Your pretty lucky that's all of the post your getting. It was kind of long and not too exciting.

on other notes..... okay there isn't much. I work a lot, work out now and again, I don't see Brett as much as I want..... sorry life is so boring... you can keep looking over this blog..


Heidi said...

I briefly glanced at the title in my google reader and thought it said Wedding... which shouldn't surprise me because there are youngins in the family still marrying off, but for some reason I instantly thought it was for you. I don't know, I'm weird. It was a weird moment. Then it said Weeding and I was ok. Wow, awesome commentary. I think I'll go join you in your strawberry patch now, way better than this comment! :) What do you do for your workout? Do you get to go running? Hey, are there killer garage sales out by you guys? I'm looking for some toys for Christian, so if there are awesome sales whenever I'm out there, I'd love to know!

Mattsmom said...

I do that too...and then when I get to my computer I can't think of anything to I ramble. Glad we have so much in common! *wink*.

I love reading our ramblings though! Keep 'em coming!