Thank my lucky stars he is my husband, and an amazing one at that!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thank my lucky stars he is my husband, and an amazing one at that!
Posted by Margaret at 9:31 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Fated by Fire Sauce
Posted by Margaret at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Finally Friday
Well as the weekend converges just like the limit of all continuous functions must converge I'm bored and leaving you with a teaser. Keep up folks and internet permitting come Monday... maybe Tuesday... you will be regale (d??? not sure I'm totally hoping this word fits this context!) will the tale of my proposing marriage to Brett (which of course was accompanied by bolt of lighting and rumblings of approval from the heavans). Well I'm off enjoy your weekend.
Posted by Margaret at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
F-R-E-A-K, Freak
So I've determined that three people read my blog at any given post. Three you ask? You think three whole people read your piddly diddly little blog? Yes. Three and I'm ignoring you last question it hurts my feelers. Fine so how did you determine three people read your blog? Is your reply *accompanied with an eye roll*. Well it seems that of late I get about three comments per post. Thus it can be determined from the aforementioned findings that three people read any given post. So for you three readings you get a special treat today. You get to hear my deepest darkest secret.
Oh boy, here I go. I'm a freak. This was what I realized a few moments ago. Yes I'm a full blown freak-oid. No, I'm not a fruitcake a freak. And not the kind of freak you see on the street, I don't have multicolored hair, I don't have any piercings or tat's. I don't collect cans from trash bins, and I don't push a shopping cart any further than a grocery store parking lot. And, I have never walked down the street which a group of people dressed in various colors of skin tight, spandex, metalic full body suits.
(Remember She's All That with the dreamy Freddy Prince Jr. and
beautiful Rachel Leigh Cook, who I was always envious of because she was so tiny
and petite. Well at the dance the nerds come as DNA dressed tyvek
(they wear these at work, it's okay if you don't get the
reference) resembling white suites. Then when the long hair pretty one
(wow all sorts of labeling tonight huh?) dances with the jerk (more labeling, I'm very rude as well as a freak) she gets out of her DNA chain (now this is very unlikely, if i remember correcting DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds which are quite strong and I doubt that even the popular boy asking you to dance will break a hydrogen bond [ahhh! revelation popular sounds like polar and polar bonds are not as strong as hydrogen bonds so this scene is chemical illogical). So when she removes her white tyvek suit she has a blue skin tight suite on (luckily she is quite skinny). Imagine that suit more pastel in various colors AND best of all metallic.) This parentbetical side note was so long it deserved its own block quotation style thing.
I kid you not. Brett and I saw a group of people in metallic skin tight suites. But I'm going to let that one slide since it was the same weekend as the arts festival and I pray and hope that they were dressed up solely for the arts festival. NOTE!!!! I'm not calling any of these people listed freaks. I'm not calling them anything because that would not be politically correct, which I always am. But me... I am a freak. Okay this is difficult for me....
1/2 Cinderella
3/4 Prince Charming
1/5 Fairy Godmother
Before the ball 50/100 didn't have anything to wear. Luck would have it that 20/40 had a 20/100 she didn't know about. 25/50's 2/10 arrived and magiced her a beautiful gown. After a reminder from her 8/40 to be home by midnight (curfews are a bummer huh?) 16/32 was off to the ball. At the ball 90/180
met 12/16 . They danced and talked all night. To 4/8's chagrin 15/20 had nothing beyond his good looks and kingdom so she was home by 10:00 and finished filling out her college applications. 150/300 went on to school and
although she never ruled a kingdom she found self satisfaction and married a
nerdy brainiac from the computer engineering department (those boys are
odd). (That is how The 2/4 story goes right?) (Please forgive math errors this was just to give you an idea of it.)(Oh and this story was written with no help from a calculator!)
Posted by Margaret at 1:13 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Words of Wisdom
Posted by Margaret at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bun in the oven..
Hello friends... or just empty space which is the internet, I still have trouble believing people take interest in my blog. But, just in case the empy space has noticed my near two week absense from a post I will update. Actually I think empty space is smart enough to know that I started a post on Monday and could have read it even though it had been abandoned as saved draft. Do you even wonder where all this information one puts on a blog is stored? It's not saved on my computer, I can't access it when I don't have internet. Doesn't there have to be some concrete storage of the data. Is there a gaint building, or maybe an underground bunker, where all internet stuff is stored in tiny compartments? And everytime we get on the internet we connect with an extra terrestrial being ( no human being is smart enough to handle the job) who simply waits for our web site requests and then connects us to the compartment where that information is stored. For example everytime I click the perriwinkle-ish blue 'SAVE NOW' button at the bottom of the page more 'bites (or bytes)' are stored. (Okay I really don't know what a bite is, I think I heard through the rumor mill that it is a punch of zeros and ones (yeah any one gossips about computer stuff out side of the computer science cults).) (I try to be very careful of putting period inside or outside of parentheses). (OH NO! I think that last one should have been inside the parenthese because because it was an entire sentence.) (Better that time.) (This is a vicious downward spiral of parenthetical side notes. [I only used the word parenthetical to sound smart] But sometimes I like using brackets within parentheses because that is sometimes done in math. But them I worry that you will start inside the innermost parentheses (or brackets) and work your way out. Dang order of operations. Plus what is the plural of the word for these -->( )?? Parenthese or parentheses?) Oh dear I hope I closed all of my parenthese(s?). Well to say I have digressed would be an understatement. I don't remember what I was saying and I don't want to go back and read through my earlier rambling because I have been inspired -by another blog, more later- (I tried dashes to mix things up) to always be "keepin' it real on here". This means when I'm happy you will be bombarded by mispelled, because I think faster than I type,rambling. (Oh look commas replacing the parenthese(s?). I think it's called an apositive... Mr. Hatch?? It would be weird to find out my senior year high school english teacher reads my blog but if you are can I get a confirmation of what an apositive is. Oh and please ignore all the other gramatical lessons that, judging by my writing, I clearly missed) Oh darn I digresses again. But I've found myself now... I know you all missed me since my last post. So now to business.
So you all wonder I'm not preggers then where have I been these last two weeks and why do I seem so darn happy today.
Second question first... I had 2 donoughts this morning (waistline expansion) and it was the healthiest part of my just got off the bus snack (we had a site wide safety meeting). I cleverly made the donoughts look healthy by washing them down with non-orange juice i.e Sunny D and then finished off with a unidentifiable juice called Capris Sun. Moral of this lesson donoughts --> still good. Fake "100% juice", "all natural" "fruit" juices --> only good for those with a less refined culinary taste.
So what have I been doing in my non gestating state. (I'm loving using words that probably don't actually fit in my sentences and hoping they mean what I think they do.) (Total side story. I was helping with a cross word at work (even though I'm usually a cross word hater). The clue was like lazy, relaxed (I think). They couldn't get word so I threw out the word languid. They were all pretty sure I had made the word up and I was wondering the same thing. But the word fit. Sure enough the cross word answers the next day confirmed I'm a genius! Let that be a lesson to you parents... make your kids read. But seriously I got the word from reading books, no spelling test contained the word languid.) To recap what this paragraph is actually about it's what I've been up to lately. I made a deliciouso pie. Mississippi Mud Pie to be exact. I went to a ski patrol function with my awesome mother and sister. Worked as usual. And last but not least fallen in love... with a blog.
Joanie thank you. My new found love is all thanks to you. I was innocently enjoying my sister-in-law's blog the other day (see link to left (unless I change my blog template then it will be on the right or delete my blog roll then your s-o-l)). Well she had just learned how to cut up pineapple from an illusive pioneer woman. (I actually looked up the definition of illusive, found that it didn't really fit context wise, but since it sounded good I left. Parents let this be a lesson to you... make sure your kids actually understands the words your force them to read so they can sound intelligent someday.) So I checked out the blog to see if I cut up pineapple the right way. (I'm close on the pineapple algorithm but not exact... I like my way better.) (By the way I just tried using links in my blog and am loving it.) So at first I thought nothing more of pioneer woman until during moments of sheer boredom I began exploring her blog more. First I fell in love with the story of her falling in love with her husband. And then got laughs and giggles out of her ranching stories. So check out her blog (caution some posts are not for the squeemish). Oh and i am also envious of her blogging and photography abilities.
So the answer to your ultimate question... Where have I been... Reading blogs not posting on them. (Now that I'm out of rambling I have to spell check.. scary.) (Acutally spell checking wasn't too bad but I still refuse to proof read. I'm keepin' it real, just like pioneer woman inspired me to, which means no proof reading for me... sorry)
Posted by Margaret at 12:13 PM 3 comments