Thursday, July 16, 2009

It better get better than this.

I'd start this post with a joke about how my husband hit me so hard I couldn't move my arm last night and still can't lift it above shoulder level but spouse abuse is a serious thing and not something to joke about. So I'll just tell it like it is. Brett and I were practicing batting with our new softball bat last night. He wanted to try it out so I was pitching to him. Well one unfortunately aimed shot made direct contact with my shoulder (not so much shoulder as upper arm just below the shoulder). I cried (cuz thats what I do best) the water works lasted for a while. I looked like I had a really nice delt muscle from all the swelling.... Now I'm just sitting here projecting my shoulder hoping the bruise is pretty gnarly looking cuz if it doesn't I'm going to feel pretty cheated. Thus.... it better get better than this... referring to the bruise. (I plan on taking pictures of the progression of my bruise so you'll probably hear about this again.)


antimony said...

I'll come by and punch your shoulder if the bruise doesn't develop to your liking. Just 'cause I love you so much :)

Courtney said...

i want to see pictures! :)