Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just a quick update

Brett is doing awesome. He is sore but never 'testy' or grumpy... He is however in a good amount of pain and complains about the pain in his tongue from where he bit it. Evidently while he was asleep he bit his tongue while they were trying to put tubes down his throat. Ahhh, I love that my husband is stubborn even while in a drugged slumber.

I am however awaiting the day when I can say to him, while we are both watching a movie, "will you put these Reeses away and get me the caramels?" And he does it for me. And then, just like he did to me, I will say, "Oh wait, the caramels are right here." When he can't find them. Pay back will be sweet.


Kimberly said...

Good news.

Robert said...

Great! I am so excited to hear that. I'd like some caramels and Reeses, please.

Mattsmom said...

*chuckle chuckle chuckle* "never 'testy' or grumpy". I am so glad you guys have a sense of humor about this whole thing! It is the only way to go..since there isn't really anything you can do to change the situation. Humor is often the best medicine!

Caroline said...

AHHHH!! I hate when Sean does that to me. You were probably a good sport about it. I however have a temper, and would have thrown the carmels at him once I found out where they were.

Yasmeen said...

You two are awesome. Thinking of you from the Pacific Northwest.