Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today is the day

Today I have to finish the last of the coursework I will ever complete at the University of Utah. I graduate next week. It seems that not that long ago I was graduating from high school. I have said goodbye to most of my friends and will probably never see most of them again since I won't be in the country to walk at graduation. I'm going to take this space in the cyberworld to toot my own horn for a moment.
-I began at the University of Utah summer 2006 with a full tuition scholarship. The scholarship required the maintaining of a 3.7 gpa or higher and only lasted 4 academic years. I have managed to keep my scholarship and finish in just 4 years.
-I'm graduating near top of my class in chemical engineering, not a cake walk major.
-I am graduating with deans honors (top 10% of the college of engineering) and magna cume laude.
-I think the greatest achievement I have to share about myself is that last week my peers voted me the chemical engineering outstanding senior for 2010. This one I'm proudest of because it means that not only did I complete my course work and complete it well but I made friends and gained the respect of my peers.

I was hoping to hurry and set out some graduation announcements to family and close friends this evening but it is snowing outside right now so I don't think I'm going to get the graduation picture I wanted taken taken and I have to pack for my trip tomorrow. So consider this my graduation announcement to the world.

And I'll leave you with the silly song that has been running through my head since one of my young woman brought Vitamin C (the singer) up last week. This song came out when I was graduating from elementary school.

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Yasmeen said...

Oh Margaret that is so awesome. You have accomplished (and will accomplish) so much!
Hopefully I will see you tonight- I'm bringing Jon :)

Mark & Maddie said...

Congratulations Margaret! Love you.