Sunday, April 26, 2009

Filled with discontent

I know why I'm not suppose to do homework on sunday.. because I get so angry at my teacher for not teaching how I think he should (this is my way of trying to nicely say i think he's teaching crappy). It makes me so angry I'm thinking not very nice thoughts and thats not very christ-like is it. And homework frustration make me eat... a lot.. and then I feel bad about myself because I justa at a lot of candy that really I didn't want to eat. Thats why i'm giving up on homework and going to read my book.


Katie M. said...

I want to come eat candy and read a book at your house. Sounds like a perfect Sunday activity --- sorry about the homework discontentment!

Katie M. said...
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Heidi said...

Yuck! Homework stinks. (Insert audio reading of Oh Homework Oh Homework poem by Shel Silverstein since I can't really express quite as well as he does just how much homework really does stink) Candy is awesome. I love it. Just ask my hubby. And there's always room for a great book. Good choices! :)

Zina said...

paper is always a good substitute...

Courtney said...

homework is causing me to eat unnecessary amounts of candy too! my tongue kind of hurts. it's a good thing we only have a week and a half left!! (oh, and i'm pretty sure i know which homework you were doing last night, so agreed about the crappy teacher comment.)

Courtney said...

correction- by last night, i mean 3 in the afternoon :)

i was just thinking of my last night i guess.