Friday, June 11, 2010

The danger of incidental personal use.

The danger of incidental personal use on work computers is I can check my email but not blogs so I don't check 'em nearly as much (okay at all really). But I got off work early today and FINALLY hooked our desktop up to the internet.
So here are some of the pictures from Europe but.. Brett lost our camera mountain biking so I lost pictures from Paris, Yuma, Grand Canyon, and Moab...

My last post in Europe was THE DAY! the entire reason I was there, to have my paper reviewed. I survived and I'm actually almost done with all the actions. That night we went to Sokol's restaurant. We saw the place in a brochure and decided between John and me that we wanted to go. So we invited the other intern who of course came and then also invited my boss. Now my boss is like up there in ICSBEP and he ended up inviting a bunch of other people along. SO we had quite a few people but I don't have pictures of the whole group. This was my dinner. There is boar, deer, and pork along with Rools, something else, and something else. I thought I'd never remember but I have already.
This here is heaven on a plate. They call it creme (cream? can't remember how it's spelled) cake.
THE LAST DAY (of work). This is the last benchmark we went through the stack in the background are the ones we already finished!

This was they day I found the rockin' jewelry store I talked about a few posts ago. We also found the dragon bridge. Evidently a dragon protects Ljubljana.

That night for dinner all I wanted was a Crepe but the place we got them before was out so they sent us to Cafe Romeo which was actually more of an upscale bar. But the food was great. I ordered a Tuna something or other. Everywhere they had tuna this and that on menus so I decided I had to try it.
IT WAS AMAZING! Totally ruined tuna fish from a can for me. The glass in the back was fresh squeezed lemonade, amazing. I forgot to take a picture of the heavenly crepe. It was filled with nutella and coconut and had a strawberry sauce on top.

The final day in Slovenia was a tour of their TRIGA reactor. This is the reactor building. Evidently it is a Slovenian architectural landmark so if they ever decommission the reactor... they are going to have problems. The architect also used a mushroom cloud as his inspiration... I'm not sure that helps public opinion of nuclear energy.
After the tour, which was rather eventful but I won't share that here, it was back to the city. John and I rode the funicular to the castle, here are views from the castle tower.

We also wandered through other cool old buildings that day. And I spend A LOT, A LOT of money of chocolate, honey, and jewelry.
Finally my last day in Slovenia arrived. And I headed of the Paris (and graduated although I wasn't there for that.)

So since Brett lost the camera this is where it ends... except the day after he lost his camera we went on a five mile hike (THANKS SO MUCH TO OUR DEAR, DEAR FRIENDS WHO CAME WITH US) and found the camera. So... Paris..
Here is the hotel at the airport (the airport is HUGE, I NEVER want to go there alone)
Once we dropped off our luggage we jumped on the RER and then METRO and ended up at Notre Dame
The place was packed and the pigeons were suicide bombers.
Then we wandered along the Seine and ended up at the Louvre. We didn't go into that either.

(This is my taking a picture into the glass pyramid)

Another Metro ride and we were at and wandered down Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Ending in the Arc de Triomphe

Finally we made it to the Eiffle Tower.

Two of our group went to the top but I did not. I went and got gelato with my boss and his wife. These two scoops were 9 EUR which was like 11-12 dollars! But it was so, so good.

Finally the long awaited expensive french dinner. I have pictures that my boss took of all the food but they're on my work computer so I can't share them yet. Breif overview.. I used over 25 pieces of silverware during that meal.
Dinner was by the sacre coeur basilica so we wandered around there after dinner, spend more money on souvenirs and headed back to the hotel.
The next morning we headed to the airport for our 11:00 flight. We got on the 11:00 fight and then sat there for 2.5 hours waiting for our take off slot. The Iceland volcano didn't interfere too much with our route but since a lot of other flight were taking our route to avoid the ash it pushed back our take off time. About 13.5 hours later I landed in Salt Lake and gave my husband a bit fat kiss.

Now that same husband is annoyed because we are suppose to be backing the car to go to the cabin and I'm blogging. I guess Yuma/Grand Canyon/Moab will have to wait... Oh and I'm skipping on proof reading and spell check. Hope you make it through this.


Yasmeen said...

Wow, travelling like crazy! Have fun out there!

Mattsmom said...

That looks AMAZING! SERIOUSLY amazing! Can't wait for more!