Friday, March 12, 2010

Always trust your sister...

My sister recently told me I have to watch North and South (a BBC adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel). She told me it was Pride and Prejudice but not. Well I finally watched it and loved it. It had elements of Pride and Prejudice and I also saw some similarities to Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit. I enjoyed it immensely and would suggest it to anyone who likes Pride and Prejudice. I plan on reading the book and will let you know what I think when I do.


Anonymous said...

LOVE "North and South!" It is a great one. Don't you just LOVE the train station scene at the end?

antimony said...

That's what sisters are made for!!

I started on the book, it's a bit slow, but since I know what's going to happen, I'm thoroughly enjoying its slowness. Never read Little Dorrit, but if it's similar I'll read that too.

Amber M said...

I have had this weird obsession with old English novels, I blame the pregnancy. So thanks for the tip.

How are you guys doing anyways? Getting ready to grad?